It is time for some good news!
"Celebration of 50 Years of Our Flag", painting number 1300 (above) and "50 Years of Our Flag", painting number 1301 (below) are now available for viewing by appointment at my Singleton Lake Studio. These paintings are the fruits of a year of collaboration with Bob Harper, the Chair of the “50 Years of Our Flag Committee” and John Ross Matheson – both of whom I am proud to call friend.
Bob is pure patriotic, inspiration with a million ideas to encourage pride in Canada, its Maple Leaf Flag and Brockville. John was introduced in 1964 by Prime Minister Lester Pearson to the crowd at the celebration for Canada's new flag saying: “
Here’s the man who had more to do with it than any other.” The breadth of knowledge possessed by these special individuals and my collaborators is simply unique. In addition, we are also proud Brockvillians.
Countless hours were spent selecting the names of individuals who deserved special mention for the achievement of the Canadian Maple Leaf Flag. I am honoured that Great Great Uncle Edward M. Chadwick made the cut. Many more hours were spent selecting artwork from my rather large portfolio. The result is a distillation of pure Canadiana on to a 4x6 foot canvas – the size of an official hockey net – big! The coincidences and effort to make these paintings realities are of the same magnitude spent achieving the first Canadian Maple Leaf Flag. For a plein air painter, I have never spent so much concentrated time at my studio easel. I listened to a lot of Gordon Lightfoot, Valdy, Great Big Sea, Tom Cochrane and other Canadian artists... including my friend Glen Hornblast. There is a lot of Canadian talent out there!
I prefer that my art speak for itself but for the sake of the 50 Years of Our Flag Committee, Bob Harper, John Ross Matheson and the City of Brockville, birthplace of the Canadian Flag, I will make this exception. Bids start at $60,000 plus HST.