Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Mahzenazing Dam"

It was still only 10 Celsius and the wind made it feel much colder. It was an awkward place to set up an easel but I liked the curve of the beaver dam in the foreground and the colours in the trees and how they were reflected and refracted in the water. This was an active dam as witnessed by the fresh greenery added to the top and the nearby and fresh beaver "chews". Darn it was cold though! My hands can't take the cold ever since I froze them in the 1990's.
In Google and Map Source, this waterway is called the "Megazing River". I got the name from the road sign which I trust!


JeffreyM said...

Yup, that's the correct name :)

The Art of Phil Chadwick said...

Thank you Jeffrey :>))