Sunday, July 29, 2018

Elly MacKay’s “Red Sky At Night” - The entire book explained

Wisdom can be found in the natural world. We just need to look. Elly MacKay’s “Red Sky At Night” returns us to our rural roots. There is no need for technology. There are no equations. Simple scrutiny of nature can lead to understanding the important processes at work in the world. Some of these ancient poetic observations are treasures supported by modern science. Some are simply nice poems. Both are fun.

Published by Tundra Books you can find Elly MacKay’s book at this link.
Excerpted with permission from Elly MacKay’s Red Sky at Night (published by Tundra Books, 2018).

Every piece of weather wisdom used in "Red Sky At Night" is explained by clicking on the image of the page... I will get to every page but it may take some time...

 Click for a complete explanation of this weather saying...
 Deformation zones with an approaching warm conveyor belt...
Warmest regards… Phil the Forecaster Chadwick

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