Tuesday, July 28, 2015

843 Chickanishing Creek Meets Georgian Bay

A blast from the past - Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006
On Tuesday morning the group with the Southampton Art School Killarney Paint-out headed to the Chickanishing Creek Trail. It is about 8 kilometres north of Killarney just inside the southern boundary of Killarney Provincial Park. All of the group set up just to the east of the parking lot. I walked the trail right to the cliff overlooking where Chickanishing Creek flows into Georgian Bay. The trail is really quite up and down but very beautiful with descriptive plagues along the way. There is a large sand deposit and an island at the end of the creek. The pines on the island are severely wind blown from the southwest. I painted looking southeast from a large flat granite slab just below the crest of the peak.
Several hikers stopped to take my picture as I painted. It was a fun morning. I had a close look at a male ruffed grouse on the way back to the parking lot.

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